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Prikazani su postovi s oznakom Economy. Prikaži sve postove


What is the European Union:? "Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain , Sweden, United Kingdom, all the countries that have already entered the European Union so far. "

What is the European Union?

"The European Union is a community of independent states dvadesetsedmorke located primarily in Europe According to the European Communities and established for the Improvement of political, economic and social cooperation. Formerly known as the European Community (EC) and the European Economic Community."

How did it all begin?

In the period before World War II, did not open the nation to cooperate, but after the Second World War, the world is facing economic and political crisis. Nations become united and open to cooperation, that is, countries have joined with one another in pursuit of mutual benefit. That allows them to start working together and so formed are many international organizations, the G8, the group of Western European and the World Trade Organization are given as an example of many of them.

These types of organizations are described as one consisting of a group of people who work together with the aim of bringing peace and harmony among people. Today we have many International organizations (MO) and the actual European Union is one of those organizations that have been formed after the Second World War in 1950. In addition to Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany who are original members, other countries joined in 1973 1986, 1994 and 2004. Bulgaria and Romania are the latest countries joining the European Union in 2007. I n the European Union policies are adopted and developed rationally by various Commission as Parliament, the Council of Ministers, etc., and these policies exist at different levels. It is obvious that the EU is a large organization and there is an obvious appeal for many European countries to join the EU, however, entry into the EU is a very controversial topic. However, much can be said in favor and against it. Therefore, this paper will focus on the EU and try to answer the following research question:

What are the advantages and disadvantages to be a member of the EU?

A variety of articles written about the European Union and its membership are focused on the advantages and disadvantages with which the EU gives to its members. Most of them who have written about the benefits of EU membership argue that:

The European single market that enables companies to trade on the international market and monetary union, environmental protection and the prevention of war as the main benefits. However, there are some drawbacks to be considered. Shortcomings were mainly mentioned as loss of national sovereignty and little influence that men have a State. To begin with, the European single market is the first priority is a member of the EU. According to the official European site, the EU countries have formed a single market of more than 500 million people. This enable the company to trade on the international market. Without this platform, competing individually and produce products and services in the Member States will be more expensive and more difficult. veteran addition, singlemarket has contributed to reduce the number of unemployed. More than six million jobs in the last decade and the European industry has contributed a lot to increase the number of jobs in the framework of European member states.

Another benefit of membership in the European Union's monetary Union. The fact is that a single currency makes trade easier, because there is a noticeable change in prices. A single currency makes it easier not only customers, but also business people in their transitions costs because there is no need to use different currencies. In addition they noted that with the introduction of the new currency (Euro), EU Member States have the same prices and to commit to trade between them easier. Eliminating national currencies, Member States have been forced to reduce the prices of their products, so they can stay at the same level.

Another benefit of membership in the European Union's environmental protection and the prevention of war. In addition, the EU has created policies to prevent people from turning to terrorism.

The European single market, monetary union, environmental protection and the prevention of war are the main advantages as a member of the EU, however, there are some drawbacks as well. The first disadvantage is the loss of national sovereignty. When new members join the EU, they agree to comply with all regulations, even if it is against their national rules and signature or accession are prone to some of their national sovereignty.

Another disadvantage of the EU little influence of small states. It can be seen that men have less State involvement in security issues.

From what has been written above, it could be concluded that the European Union membership has many advantages such as the European single market, which reserve company to trade on the international market and monetary union, environmental protection and the prevention of war. On the other hand, of course, there are some drawbacks such as a loss of national sovereignty and the little influence that men have the State. It is obvious that the EU is a large organization and there is an obvious appeal for many European countries to join the EU, however, entry into the EU is a very controversial topic. Turkey is trying to

Membership in the EU since 1950, and now Turkey's relations with the EU entered a new era

with the start of accession negotiations. The EU should accept Turkey's membership, taking into account its remarkable progress in economic and strategic localization and Turkish.

To sum up:

If you ask people, for example, from Croatian, to like them, whether to join the EU or not, they would have had a completely different answers. Some of them think that it will bring more stability in the country, an open market, less corruption, more investment in their economies. While others are not so optimistic.

Others argue it will only bring troubles to their economy because Croatia was not big enough to compete with the larger members of the EU market. Also, consider that completely lose their independence and expect big demographic changes and to disappear as a nation. From all that we have said so far, we can conclude that the EU can be good for the country or bad, but that depends on what you have to offer to the EU, and what to the advantage of it. The answer varies from one work to other countries. That's why the EU is doing more research on the economic, political, demographic situation etc country before accepting into its membership.


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Ti oglasi će vas više tako urediti na početku kada budete upisivali oglas koji će vas pitati koji želite oglas.I tako se zarada kreće. Ja sam u prvom mjesecu dana zaradio 54 dolara, ali sam imao razrađene blogove pa morate potruditi da pišete što više različitih teme možda i više blogova osnovati na raznim temama i pisati svaki dan po jedan post-štivo kako bi naši rekli.To je dnevno jedan sat poslao najviše, profenioaci pišu satima i imaju ogromne zarade jer žive od toga.Tema nije bitna može i vić, bilo šta samo pišite.Ko znate strani jezik to je još bolje imati blog na stanom jeziku osim ovih na našem.Čini mi se da je najbolja zarada na njemačkom jeziku ako je pisano u blogu.Eto to je to ovdje se učlanite i sretno.A da još ovo na ovoj stranici možete vidjeti kako izgledaju oglasi.

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Procesori I3, i5 , i7

Procesori I3, i5 , i7  imaju svoje značenje.Ako bi neko htio da imadobar računar a ne razumije se u ove brojeve i slova najbolje je da uzme onaj sa većim brojem.Tako je i sa na primjer AUDI  ili PASSAT  ili GOLF što je veći broj  uz marku to je skuplji ali bolji i mlađi.
U produžetku će jedan vrstan informatičar,tata mata za računare,da opiše ove brojeve i slova:
Pa kaže, i3 procesori su fizički dual core procesori ali imaju HT(hyperthread opciju) i operacijski sistem ih vidi kao četverojezgrene procesore iako to nisu,jer su dvije prave jezgre podijeljene na dvije logicke.
i5 procesori su fizički quad core procesori koji nemaju HT opciju i sistem ih vidi kao četverojezgrene procesore ali oni imaju stvarne četiri jezgre i brži su osjetno od i3 procesora kada je u pitanju procesorska snaga jer je fizička jezgra dosta u prednosti nad logičkom koju stvara HT.
i7 procesori su fizički quad core procesori sa opcijom HT-a pa ih sustav vidi kao osmerojezgrene procesore iako to nisu realno, brži su od i5 modela ali ne osjetno, ne previše kada ih staviš na isti takt.
I tako dalje da vas ne uvlaćim  dublje u temu.ovo je sasvim dosta za jednog građanina koji želi nda nabavi računar pa se misli Bože dragi koji da uzmem.Uzmi skuplji ,hehe,malo šale ali  ima ona izreka :Ako ne znaš šta valja,znaš šta je skuplje."
Ako se negdje pogriješilo onda je pogriješio i onaj što zna mnogo o tome,pa oprostite nam.

Tags:procesori,računar,quad core,